Creative commons – open source for blogs

It’s Christmas eve and I have spent the morning digging out paths from snow.

As a lawyer you might think that I would have had a well-developed intellectual property strategy for this blog but in a demonstration of why cobblers children are always the worst shod I have gone from ignoring it entirely, via knee-jerk reservation of rights to a strategy that I think will work.

I started by saying nothing at all.

Then having written a couple of posts I defaulted to standard copyright notice. Of course the problem with that approach is that (for those who care, and I am finding that fellow bloggers do) it might rather inhibit non-commercial linking, reuse and discussion.

Professionally I am of course familiar with the various flavours of open source software licences, so it didn’t take too long to find the various creative commons licences, and I have now properly licensed this blog. (unless of course anyone wants to tell me otherwise).

Merry Christmas.