Lenders over-exposed to real estate move into TMT
I was lucky enough to chair Olswang’s semi-annual CPD catch-up day for in-house lawyers today. It was a very interesting set of talks (for those who are …
I was lucky enough to chair Olswang’s semi-annual CPD catch-up day for in-house lawyers today. It was a very interesting set of talks (for those who are …
The CAT today rejected BT’s arguments that Ofcom has a narrow jurisdiction to accept and resolve disputes referred to it by Communications Providers pursuant to …
It is a logical quirk of the European telecoms regulatory system that the provision of call termination is a regulated activity for all Communications Providers …
The UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (and although not in the title, telecoms) today published its response to the consultation on implementation of …
In today’s connected world a lot of what passes for news is more of a rolling update – a snippet of new information that is …
Whilst the Watcher was on holiday, the UK’s Department for Energy and Climate Change published a series of documents on 30 March: Smart Metering Implementation …
I hope all readers noticed the date for Friday’s blog post (taken down on 2 April) and are not planning on bidding in the teleportation …
Ofcom today started a consultation on price controls for local loop unbundling and wholesale line rental products provided by Openreach, the functionally separate local access division …
News item topics are like buses – nothing happens for weeks or months, then everything happens at once. Following yesterday’s publication of the Phonepayplus annual …
Phonepayplus, the UK’s premium rate services regulator, has today published: a Report on Emerging Trends in the Premium Rate Services Market; and its plan and budget for the …